William Somerset Maugham

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William Somerset Maugham was born in Paris in 1874. He spoke French even before he spoke a word of English, a fact to which some critics attribute the purity of his style.

His parents died early and, after an unhappy boyhood, which he recorded poignantly in 'Of Human Bondage' , Maugham became a qualified physician. But writing was his true vocation. For ten years before his first success, he almost literally starved while pouring out novels and plays.

During World War I, Maugham worked for the British Secret Service . He travelled all over the world, and made many visits to America. After World War II, Maugham made his home in south of France and continued to move between England and Nice till his death in 1965.

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Количество книг по ролям: Автор - 20. ( 20 на иностранном языке)
По форматам:  fb2 книги - 20 (12.78 Мб)
Всего книг: 20. Объём всех книг: 13 Мб (13,403,075 байт)

1) Cakes and Ale 0.61 Мб
2) Liza of Lambeth 0.36 Мб
3) Of Human Bondage 1.41 Мб
4) On a Chinese Screen 0.39 Мб
5) Orientations 0.32 Мб
6) Selected Masterpieces 0.54 Мб
7) Sixty-Five Short Stories 2.81 Мб
8) The Circle 0.25 Мб
9) The Explorer 0.54 Мб
10) The Hero 0.54 Мб
11) The Land of Promise: A Comedy in Four Acts (1922) 0.48 Мб
12) The Magician 0.41 Мб
13) The Making of a Saint 0.42 Мб
14) The Moon and Sixpence 0.41 Мб
15) The Painted Veil 0.39 Мб
16) The Razor's Edge 0.65 Мб
17) The Trembling of a Leaf 0.4 Мб
18) Theatre 0.78 Мб
19) Then and Now 0.46 Мб
20) Сборник адаптированных рассказов английских и американских писателей. Часть 2 0.62 Мб


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