Артикль The в английском — это Бог. Простейшее доказательство бытия Всевышнего [Олег Владимирович Ермаков] (pdf) читать постранично, страница - 2

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Георгиевны в поселке Болшево Московской области (ныне часть г. Королёва). Покоряя Вселенную, в те
нещедрые на житейские блага времена Надя Зарецкая, бесконечно влюбленная в Землю, страстно мечтала
обзавестись ее клочком, чтобы посадить на нем сад. Мечта ее сбылась: хлопотами Сергея Павловича талантливая
дочь России получила участок в Болшево, где вырастила чудесный сад и построила дом для большого семейства.
Женат, отец взрослого сына и дед троих внуков. Сейчас живу в Киеве.
Born in 1961 in Michurinsk, a town near Tambov, Russia, where I finished school. During my school years, I won the 7th USSR National School Essay
Competition (1975). I graduated from the Kiev Taras Shevchenko State University with a Master’s degree in Chemistry (1983). After 10 years in chemical
industry in Ukraine, I decided to pursue a career in journalism, where I grew from a reporter to the editor-in-chief of a national magazine. I have a number of
registered inventions. I am an author of a series of works about the Universe. My most important work, Planet Love. The basics of the Unified Field theory, or
the Introduction to sacral linguistics, took me 22 years to write (1987 – 2009). Member of Wikipedia author community. Author of a published book of
poetry Power of Love (2001). Professional caricaturist.
Researching the Universe is my primary occupation and a passion since college years. Passion for space runs in generations in my family: my grandmother
Nadezhda Zaretskaya designed the aerial assembly of the first man-made Earth satellite, the launch of which started the space era of the humankind, and holds
credit for a number of other space engineering inventions. Her husband, my grandfather Mikhail Zaretsky, is a brother of Nina Koroleva, wife of the great
Sergey Korolev – it was in Korolev’s Podlipki space design lab near Moscow that my grandmother worked all of her career until retirement. Despite her success
conquering space, in those tough Soviet times, her biggest dream on our planet was to own a piece of land to grow a garden. Her dream eventually came true:
through Sergey Korolev’s patronage, the talented space engineer received a piece of land where she was finally able to grow a beautiful garden and build a
house for her big family.
I live in Kiev with my wife. I am a father to a grown son and a grandfather of three.

Телефон в Киеве:
+ 38 (066) 561-21-20
Е-mail: nartin1961@gmail.com
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