The Witch and Other Stories [Anton Chekhov] (fb2)

Anton Chekhov  
издано в 2014 г. (post) (иллюстрации)

The Witch and Other Stories (fb2)Добавлена: 11.02.2020 Версия: 1.0.
Дата создания файла: 2020-02-08
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Anton Checkhov’s The Witch and other stories is one of his many collection of short stories. Included in this book are fifteen of Chekhov’s; The Witch, Peasant Wives, The Post, The New Villa, Dreams, The Pipe, Agafya, At Christmas Time, Gusev, The Student, In the Ravine, The Huntsman, Happiness, A Malefactor, Peasants. ‘Through the monotonous roar of the storm he caught a scarcely audible thin and jingling monotone like the shrill note of a gnat when it wants to settle on one’s cheek and is angry at being prevented.


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Теги: Short stories
