Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual [Mike Mahler] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 7

- Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual 3.55 Мб, 22с. скачать: (fb2) - (исправленную)  читать: (полностью) - (постранично) - Mike Mahler

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There are several ways you can incorporate these workouts into your current regimen.

1) You could do one HOC workout per week to gradually work into it.

2) You could cut back on other kettlebell training and do two HOC workouts per week. This would be kind of a half-and-half program in which your progress on other kettlebell days would slow down and your conditioning would improve gradually.

3) You could do HOC three times a week and do a strength only kettlebell workout once a week. This option would really be for those who want to lose as much fat as possible in the least amount of time. It's also a good option for those that compete in mixed martial arts or some other combat sport.

Basic Kettlebell Program For Strength And Conditioning


Option One:

One-arm Kettlebell clean and press: 3x6-10
One-arm Kettlebell Bent Over Row: 3x6-10
One Legged Squat: 3x6
Windmill: 2x5
One-arm Kettlebell snatch: 3x10


Option Two:

Two-arm Kettlebell clean and press: 3x6-10
Two-arm Kettlebell Bent Over Row: 3x6-10
Front Squats With Two Kettlebell: 3x10-12
Turkish Get-up (Squat Style) 2x5
Double Kettlebell Swing: 3x10-12


Mike Mahler is a strength and conditioning coach based in Santa Monica, CA. Mike has been a strength athlete for over ten years and is a Senior level certified kettlebell instructor. The Senior level classification means that Mike has assisted in certifying aspiring kettlebell instructors. Mike has done over twenty kettlebell workshops in the past year across the US and overseas in London, England. Mike is considered by many to be the most experienced kettlebell instructor in the US.

In addition to working with athletes around the world, Mike has two regular columns in Fightscene Magazine. Also, Mike has written over fifty articles that have been published in magazines such as: Ironman Magazine, Exercise Magazine For Men, Testosterone Magazine,, and Exhilarate Magazine.

Training Style

Mike's strength training style is focused on making athletes stronger and faster and building strength and conditioning that will carry over to various athletic activities. In addition, Mike's style of training emphasizes the importance of developing mental strength and character. While, Mike's primary focus is working with combat athletes, hundreds of everyday people have benefited from his articles and workshops. If you want to build a great physique and be as strong as you look, then Mike's Aggressive Strength training is for you. Visit Mike's Website at for more information.