Killing Time [Синди Джерард] (fb2)

Синди Джерард  

Современные любовные романы   Триллер  

one-eyed jacks - 1
Killing Time 730 Кб, 276с.
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издано в 2013 г. (post) (иллюстрации)

Killing Time (fb2)Добавлена: 05.11.2013 Версия: 1.0.
Дата авторской / издательской редакции: 2013-01-22
Дата создания файла: 2013-11-03
ISBN: 978-1-4516-0683-6 Кодировка файла: UTF-8
Издательство: Pocket Books
Город: New York
  (Fb2-info)    (ссылка для форума)     (ссылка для блога)     (QR-код книги)  


An exciting new series featuring Mike “Primetime” Brown, a character from her popular “Black Ops, Inc.” series.
For the seven years after Operation Slam Dunk went south, Mike Brown got drunk on each anniversary. The eighth year was no different—until he was drugged by a woman and woke up to her questions about what had happened eight years ago in Afghanistan. CIA attorney Eva Salinas has her own theory behind what happened to Mike’s team—which included her husband—in Afghanistan eight years ago, and she’s determined to prove foul play. Though she doesn’t trust him, Mike is the only person she can turn to for help. Under an assumed name, Eva convinces Mike to assemble a new team and go after the traitor who screwed up both their lives. As they track down the rogue who started it all, Eva and Mike discover they can’t live without each other. But can they stay alive while an enemy is still on the loose?


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One-Eyed Jack: \w n\-\’īd\-\’jak\ Noun: 1: being, of, pertaining to, a face card or cards on which the figure is shown in profile, such cards being the jack of spades, the jack of hearts. 2: a loner who has a hard time trusting anyone. 3: Navy term for a greasy hamburger topped with a fried egg. Often served during midrats—midnight rations.

Лингвистический анализ текста:
Приблизительно страниц: 276 страниц - немного выше среднего (225)
Средняя длина предложения: 70.33 знаков - близко к среднему (80)
Активный словарный запас: намного ниже среднего 974.61 уникальных слова на 3000 слов текста
Доля диалогов в тексте: 0.00% - очень мало (27%)
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