Oscar and Lucinda [Peter Carey] (fb2)

Peter Carey  

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Oscar and Lucinda 1.05 Мб, 548с.
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издано в 1988 г. (post) (иллюстрации)

Oscar and Lucinda (fb2)Добавлена: 11.09.2012 Версия: 1.0.
Дата создания файла: 2012-05-30
ISBN: 0-679-77750-4 Кодировка файла: UTF-8
Издательство: Vintage Books
Город: New York
  (Fb2-info)    (ссылка для форума)     (ссылка для блога)     (QR-код книги)  


The Booker Prize-winning novel-now a major motion picture from Fox Searchlight Pictures.
This sweeping, irrepressibly inventive novel, is a romance, but a romance of the sort that could only take place in nineteenth-century Australia. For only on that sprawling continent-a haven for misfits of both the animal and human kingdoms-could a nervous Anglican minister who gambles on the instructions of the Divine become allied with a teenaged heiress who buys a glassworks to help liberate her sex. And only the prodigious imagination of Peter Carey could implicate Oscar and Lucinda in a narrative of love and commerce, religion and colonialism, that culminates in a half-mad expedition to transport a glass church across the Outback.


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Приблизительно страниц: 548 страниц - очень много (225)
Средняя длина предложения: 89.07 знаков - близко к среднему (80)
Активный словарный запас: намного ниже среднего 987.62 уникальных слова на 3000 слов текста
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